Here you can find loads of random pictures from events, conferences, and just general life. This is just a nice place to capture places I visit and things I do.
YISEC ‘24#
I went to the YISEC ‘24 training conference for the second year in a row. This event, organized by the core universities in Yorkshire, took place at the University of Hull this time. My partner, Charmaine (red dress), presented our work on ‘Enhancing Fairness in Neural Networks Using FairVIC’ and even won the ‘Best Presentation’ award 🏆.
AAAI ‘24#
One of my papers go accepted into AAAI ‘24, so I got a free trip to Vancouver, Canada! It was very cold but an amazing place. As you can see I got up to loads of stuff and of course…I went to the zoo! Here is a link to the paper that was accepted.
YISEC ‘23#
I attended the YISEC ‘23 training conference setup by the core Yorkshire universities, this year hosted at University of Bradford. I had a chance to present my work in front of dozens of PhD students and academics, I was even nominated for best short paper!